Are almonds bad for dogs? Oh, God, “Yummy”! Sweet smelling! My doggy is right here to taste the roasted almonds.
Can I give my dog almonds to taste a little bit? Will it harm my dog and make her upset stomach, vomit, diarrhea, abdominal pain? I have been trotting for the answer over the web through Google, Yahoo answers, Bing and other popular dog sites.
Here are the answers I have received for the topic almonds and dogs! I would just share all my answers to pet parents which can be helpful for your pets too!
Dogs & Almonds Infographic

Are Almonds bad for dogs? I can barely tell you yes!
Almonds and dogs are like the emergence of a world war between our dog’s stomach and digestion. Maybe almonds are fine and prescribed for human, but not for their furry companions.
Furry companions must never taste almonds as they can lead to serious digestive issues and blockage of GI tract. Almonds are hard for dogs to digest and have been added to toxic and dangerous foods for dogs by ASPCA(American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
Even a tiny almond can take the life of dogs as they can cause blockage of GI tract, bloat, even coma at severe amounts. Almonds shell makes them hard to digest for dogs and more over every human food is not acceptable by dogs.
Many common human foods like onions, garlic, chocolate, grapes, and raisins can cause serious health issues to dogs. Apparently, nuts are also added to the toxicity foods for dogs list. So it’s better to avoid almonds and other nuts to your dog.
Some pet parents still ask for whether almond can be served in the form of cookies, butter, milk or some recipe. Here is my answer for my lovable pet owners!
Can dogs eat almond butter, milk, cookies, pie? Is poison changes on roasting or cooking?
Now, you know the fact that almonds are bad for dogs. You must never serve the almonds to dogs, and it may cause serious health issues. But, if you change the form of almonds will the nature of ingredients or toxicity will leave. Never!
Cooked, raw, butter, milk, cookies, pie or any other forms of almonds are just bad for dogs. Almonds are high calorie and fat diets which can abruptly increase your dog’s weight.
Some pet parents serve doggie with one or two almonds due to love for their dogs. But, the almonds which are served in lesser amounts can cause digestive issues and not more than that.
Accumulation of almonds in the stomach of dogs can block gastrointestinal tract, slow poisoning and even coma at severe stages. You need not include almonds in any of the forms for your dog’s diet.
You may think that as almond milk, butter, cookies are easily digestible for dogs. Why can’t dogs eat the almond milk, butter, cookies, pie? If you break the shells of almonds, it’s easily digestible. But, What about the high-calorie and fat present in almond nuts? You can’t change the nature of almond.
Hence you can go for healthy veggies and fruits which can be served for dogs. Your bad luck! Nuts have been listed as food which dogs must not eat. You can check out the veggies and fruit supplements which your doggy can eat to share the dining with them.
My dog ate almond nuts? What are the dog poisoning symptoms?
Dogs are pets, and they sniff out everything which is aromatic. Almonds are much more tempting because of the roasting aroma and delicious pepper additions. Some dogs try to taste almonds without knowing the fact that can make them stomach upset for two more days.
Even I have come across this bitter experience with my Sasha. She ate roasted almonds which I have prepared for a dessert. Dogs poisoning symptoms are common, and there is no exception for almonds too.
Your dog may exhibit severe stomach upsets, digestive issues, coma, and much more.
Here are the dog poisoning symptoms which your dog may experience on eating two or three almonds too!
- Bloat
- Choking /hazard
- Blockage of Gastrointestinal tract
- Gassy stomach
- Vomiting
- Loss of Appetite
- Unconsciousness
- Fatigue
- Discomfort
- Stomach upset
- Obesity
- Coma
Dog poisoning symptoms may apparently start from unconsciousness and proceed over digestive issues. Many pet parents leave their dog unnoticed in the crate, and they seem to know about the almond poisoning only at the severe stages. Sure, you are not one among the crew as you are spending time for your dog’s health.
If possible take care and visit your dog’s crate once in half an hour. The regular observance of dogs can heal any of the food poisonings. Your dogs lifetime is the one who builds your agility for the rest of life. Take care of agility and health of your dog and lead a healthier lifestyle.
If your dog ate almonds and experiences the pain of almond poisoning, what are the things you can do? Obviously, you pet parents would call your vet. If the vet doesn’t pick the call, what else can you do with your dog to remove almond poisoning? Here are some medications for the almond poisoning of dogs!
Emergency treatment for almond poisoning in dogs
Almonds may not cause severe damage to a dogs health, but the accumulation is dangerous for your dog. The dog can experience blockage of GI tract and digestive issues for a prolonged time.
Hence it’s better to remove almonds from the stomach of dogs. I’m not going to tell you to make the surgeries which will be done by cleaving the dog stomach. You are just going to induce vomiting to your dog.
The almonds can be easily removed from dog’s stomach by inducing vomit, and this can prevent your doggy from stomach upset, diarrhea, unconsciousness.
Get ready with 3% of hydrogen peroxide solution. Add 1ml of hydrogen peroxide for every 10 pounds of your dog and mix the solution with water. Serve your doggy with hydrogen peroxide solution to induce vomiting.
If you have activated charcoal, then add a tablespoon with a glass of water. The charcoal solution also can induce vomiting to your dog.
Wait for 10-15 minutes time until the medications settle down on your dog’s stomach. Some huge amounts of almond consumption may be taken out of dogs stomach only at the second time of medication.
Hence you may try again with same medication but stop at this limits. Let your doggy respond to the medications! The dog poisoning can be better removed with the help of hydrogen peroxide or activated charcoal for any food poisoning.
Try this medication as soon as you identify that your dog eats any nuts, chocolate, onion, garlic, grapes, raisins, alcohol. Yes, these are human food lists which should not be given to your dog.
Many people in frustration, surf the internet that what kind of nuts can I give my dog? We know the fact that nuts are a healthy snack for human, but not for dogs. Any exceptional nuts? Yes, only one!
What kind of nuts can dogs eat?
Dogs can eat papaya! But, not too much!
Too much of any diet plan ends in danger. Hence whenever, you start serving papaya to your dog babe, start with one or two cubes of papaya flesh.
Wait for your dog babe to react!
Proceed with 3-4 cubes. More than 3-4 cubes may result in the production of loose stools, and at the worst case it may end up in vomiting, diarrhea, excessive gas or some other digestive issues.
Papaya is rich in organic fiber, and hence it may cause diarrhea, loose stools on excessive consumption.
Stick to into your limits! Your liberty must not affect your dog babe health!
Too much of papaya on regular consumption may lead to disruption in the gut health of your dog babe!
What is the reason behind serving papaya to your dog babe? Why should you serve papaya in your dog babe diet plan as snack or treats?
What happens if your dog babe eats papaya as a regular diet?
Here are the underlying facts for your dog babe health & nutrition!
What kind of nuts can dogs eat?
Dogs can eat peanuts. You can serve peanuts to your dogs. Raw peanuts are better for dogs to eat. Many commercial canned peanuts, peanut butter, may contain added salts, sugar, which may harm your dog’s digestive system and can abruptly increase the fat content, weight of your dog.
Too much of good medicine can also harm health. Hence, serve peanuts in limits to your dog. Maybe five to six peanuts are enough for your dog. Please avoid peanuts in any other forms like peanut cookies, butter.
Without knowing the fact that peanuts are fatty diets, many pet parents serve their dogs from commercially canned foods. The canned peanuts may contain added salt which may increase the blood pressure levels of dogs.
You can serve peanuts to your dog only once in a week. The rotational diets with veggies and fruits can benefit your dog’s health more.
You must keep many of the nuts out of reach of the dog as they are highly dangerous to them. Here are the nuts which your dogs must not even taste!
Harmful nuts which your dog must never taste
Almonds are one of the harmful nuts which your dog must never taste. But, there are much more nuts which are added to the toxic foods list which your dogs must never taste! Here are the nuts which can cause food poisoning to your dog!
- Almonds
- Hickory
- Macadamia
- Walnuts
- Pistachios
- Pecans
Be aware and keep the nuts out of reach of dogs! Over recent years, $508 worth pet poisoning occurs due to walnut, macadamia nuts. Save your dog from trouble and clear off their digestive issues with emergency treatment as soon as they intake nuts!
A knot of almonds and dogs!
Almonds and dogs are never a mystery for you pet parents. I have vanished all your nutty dog diet doubts with my experience with Sasha. Every pet parent suffers a lot than pets, while they have digestive issues.
You may practice rotational diets to your doggy with some veggies and fruits. Leave the nuts and try healthy veggies, fruit supplements for your lovable, cute doggy!
Share the facts about almonds and dogs to your neighbor pet parents and save a cute doggy!
People also ask for
Can dogs eat pecans?
Pecans are nuts and obviously high in fat, calories. Hence dogs can’t eat pecans too. It’s not advisable for dogs to eat pecans.
You can also avoid pecan butter, cookies to your dog’s diet plan. I would also recommend you, folks, to avoid high-fat diets to your dogs!
Can dogs eat black or English walnuts?
Walnuts are undoubtedly bad for dogs. Black, as well as English walnuts, are harmful to dogs. No matter it is English or black, walnuts may cause poison.
As mentioned by pet insurance concerns, at recent years, $508 worth pet poisoning is due to walnuts. Hence keep walnuts out of reach for your dogs to save their life.
Can dogs eat cashew nuts?
Cashew nuts are rich in fat content, and hence they can block your dog’s GI tract, bladder. Some pet parents may think that it’s fine to serve mixed nuts to their dogs. But, if you are one among the crew, you too are wrong!
Even mixed nuts are harmful to dogs. Many nuts can harm your dog’s digestive system brutally. Hence omit nutty diet for dogs and go for veggies, fruits.
Can dogs eat pistachios?
Pistachios are bad for dogs. Pistachios in traces too can bulge the pancreas of dogs which may lead to pancreatitis.
The shells of pistachios may cause choking hazards for your doggies stomach. High in fat content and hence can obese your doggy like balloons over a period.
Can dogs eat Macadamia nuts?
Dogs can never taste macadamia nuts. They can lead to serious health issues like pancreatitis, lethargy, unconsciousness, even coma.
Traces of macadamia nuts can also make your dog stomach upset, block digestive tracts. Hence keep the macadamia nuts out of your dogs even on the dining which you share with the doggy.
Can dogs eat hickory nuts?
Again, “No” folks! Hickory nuts possess high fat which can cause lethargy with some toxins present on them. They lead to neurological symptoms which you may never identify in a short span.
On severe cases, the dog may suddenly die without any symptoms of an upset stomach. So it’s better to avoid all the walnuts, hickory, macadamia nuts to your cute dogs.
Can dogs be allergic to peanuts?
Peanut is the only nutty diet which is safe for dogs. But, some pet parents may have bad luck. Some dogs may have allergies to peanuts. Peanuts can cause allergies to your dogs.
Some dogs get used to peanut in raw, cooked, butter or cookies form. All dogs are not of same kind and metabolism. Try two or three peanuts to your dog. If they deny it with some negative reactions, then you may stop serving peanuts to your dog!
What Else Can My Dog Eat? You got to know this before you feed your dog!
Beans, Legumes, Nuts, Grains and Seeds
Almond | Brown Rice | Green Beans | Peanut
Dairy Products
Cheese | Greek Yogurt | Whipped Cream |
Drinks and Beverages
Fruits, Berries and Vegetables
Apples | Avocado | Banana| Beets |Blackberries | Blueberries | Carrots | Cantaloupe | Celery |Grapefruit | Garlic | Grapes | Green Peppers |Olives | Oranges | Papaya | Pineapples | Plums | Potatoes | Prunes | Tomatoes
Herbs and Spices
Meat and Fish
Bacon | Fish | Salmon | Shrimp
Processed Foods
Cheerios | Donuts | French Fries |Tofu
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